Real Estate Beyond COVID-19 | Deutsche Wealth Management | Conversations

Real Estate Beyond COVID-19: Has the pandemic changed the game?

The coronavirus pandemic caused immense disruption in global real estate markets, but new investment opportunities will emerge as the crisis comes to an end. Watch our video briefing to learn more.

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COVID-19 created unprecedented disruption in real estate as city centres emptied and offices, hotels and shops lay unused. As we emerge from the pandemic, investors remain divided about whether these sectors will return to normal or whether the real estate market has changed forever.


In our Future of Property briefing from April 2021, real estate experts from around the world share their views on which trends will have accelerated as a result of the crisis, what new opportunities will emerge, and how quickly our urban economies will bounce back.


They look at the prospects for offices, retail, residential, logistics and other sectors and consider how these may be changed by new priorities, such as greater priorities for space and ventilation.   


COVID-19 is not the only event driving real estate and the briefing also looks at the impact of other global factors – including the rising focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations in real-estate investing – as well local forces, such as the impact on Brexit on UK property markets.


Our panel of experts

Alistair Elliott

Senior Partner and Group Chairman, Knight Frank


Joe Sitt

Chairman of Thor Equities; Chairman of Thor Urbana, CEO of Thor Retail Advisors; Chairman of the Global Gateway Alliance; and Chairman and Managing Principal of Thor Urban Property Funds


Winnie Chiu

President & Executive Director of Dorsett Hospitality International; Executive Director of Far East Consortium International Limited; and Chairman of AGORA Hospitality Group


Nick Candy

CEO, Candy Capital


Karim Azar

Founder and Managing Director, Retail Detail Limited


Gerit Heinz

Global Chief Investment Strategist, Deutsche Bank International Private Bank

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