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To protect our coastlines, we must act now. As part of our new series of discussions designed to raise awareness and inspire action, we had the privilege of talking to leading figures from the political, financial and marine technology arenas who are facing this challenge head on.
These conversations make for compelling viewing, both to understand the incredible projects already in development and the investment risks and opportunities created by one of the biggest challenges we face today.
Our panel of experts
H.E. Mohamed Nasheed
Former President of the Maldives (2008 - 2012)
H.E. Aminath Shauna
The Maldives’ Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology
Pieter van Oord
CEO of marine technology and contracting company Van Oord
Chip Cunliffe
Biodiversity Director at AXA XL and co-chair of the Ocean Risk & Resilience Action Alliance
Christian Nolting
Global Chief Investment Officer, Deutsche Bank Private Bank