Taking positive steps towards net zero

Taking positive steps towards net zero

As part of Deutsche Bank’s commitment to being an agent of positive change, we're on a journey to make our events operate more sustainably. Discover more about steps we’re taking in the right direction.

vida manglar colombia
Positive steps

Offsetting our emissions and protecting mangrove forests

While we strive to limit our carbon impact, some emissions are inevitable. To compensate for our lounge spaces at Frieze art fairs, we’ve bought carbon credits through our partners First Climate to help fund projects including the “Vida Manglar” mangrove project in Colombia and the “Katingan Restoration and Conservation Project” in Indonesia. These mangrove and peatland forests are powerhouses for carbon storage. In addition to the positive climate impact, these project activities also support sustainable economic development in communities in the project area and biodiversity conservation.

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Hosting a dedicated ocean conference aimed at achieving positive ocean impact

Co-hosted by Deutsche Bank and the Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance (ORRAA), our first DB x ORRAA Ocean Conference aimed to demystify the sustainable blue economy and show how private capital can help achieve positive ocean impact at scale.

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Making small changes to help minimise the impact of our events

From choosing caterers that pride themselves on their sustainable practices to carbon offsetting our client lounges at Frieze art fairs, we’re working with our suppliers to reduce waste and carbon emissions without sacrificing quality.

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Supporting plastic collection for ocean protection

By working with multiple partners, including Ocean Bottle, River Cleanup and Parley, we seek to support plastic waste collection and create a positive impact – both in the communities in which we operate and globally.

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The Deutsche Bank Ocean Resilience Philanthropy Fund

The Deutsche Bank Ocean Resilience Philanthropy Fund is a global philanthropic fund dedicated to ocean conservation and coastal resilience. The first philanthropic fund of its kind set up by a financial institution, it offers clients and other stakeholders the opportunity to support ocean conservation efforts though a dedicated donation framework.

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