art of adaptation | Deutsche Wealth management

The Art of Adaptation: Hybrid Landscapes

At an event hosted in our lounge during Frieze London & Frieze Masters 2022, minds from the worlds of art, science and economics came together to explore what adaptation means in a time of radical change.

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Climate change, rising temperatures and biodiversity loss are forcing human beings to adapt. Many scientists believe we are now entering a major biodiversity crisis and, in the decades to come, not only will the world’s coastlines transform but also the very systems that underpin society.

We convened a panel of experts at Frieze London & Frieze Masters 2022 to discuss the power of adaptation and evolution in nature, economics and art.


Shezad Dawood


Dr Louise Firth
Associate Professor in Marine Ecology, University of Plymouth


Stuart Haslam

Global Head of Communications, Deutsche Bank’s International Private Bank

Markus Müller
Chief Investment Officer ESG & Global Head of Chief Investment Office, Deutsche Bank’s Private Bank

In partnership with
Deutsche Bank Art & Culture

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