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Managing your wealth as your business grows

The Bank for Entrepreneurs

Managing your wealth as your business grows

Managing personal and family wealth while growing a business


The growth stage of a business can be exhilarating, and it may be the first time you generate significant wealth. However, it’s also a time when you may miss opportunities or make mistakes due to the demands of running your business. As your banking partner during this critical time, we can help ensure that nothing gets overlooked so you can enjoy your success today while keeping an eye on the future. 


Funding your lifestyle without forgoing business opportunities


As your business grows, you'll likely have more cash on hand, potentially in multiple currencies. But it's also likely that you'll be time-poor. Monitoring your personal finances alongside your business's cash flow may therefore be challenging, especially if your income is unpredictable. Now is the time to balance your lifestyle needs with those of your business, giving you enough cash to enjoy your success while leaving yourself with enough liquidity to seize new business opportunities.


Our Currency and Deposit Services are extensive, enabling us to tailor solutions to your liquidity requirements. And with our Bank for Entrepreneurs service, you’ll have access to the capabilities of the wider Deutsche Bank Group – not only in foreign exchange but also in Business, Corporate of Investment Banking as required – all from one point of contact. With a holistic view of your business and personal finances, we can work continuously to help you make the most of your business growth, without jeopardising your long-term ambitions.


Investing as an entrepreneur: why it pays to plan early


To consolidate your growing wealth, you’ll need an investment strategy that factors in your risk tolerance and wealth structure – as well as the different stages of business growth and the potential risks ahead. The sooner you can set long-term investment goals, the sooner you can take advantage of compound interest and time in the markets. 


Our Discretionary Portfolio Management (DPM) service will ensure your risk tolerance and future liquidity needs are taken into account, while freeing you from the day-to-day management and implementation of your investments. The modular structure of our investing solutions gives you a variety of choices about how we invest your wealth and what your level of involvement should be.


With the Bank for Entrepreneurs services, you'll have access to trading solutions capabilities via our investment bank. Most importantly, your business needs will always be considered as part of a comprehensive strategy, built around the needs of you and your family. 

Currency and Deposit Services

Currency and deposit

Whether you want to manage liquidity using deposit products or have more sophisticated multi-currency needs, our specialists can help.

Discretionary Portfolio Management


Your time is valuable – in investing and in life. By choosing our DPM for us to invest on your behalf, you entrust your assets to a global network of experts who take care of it continuously.

Certain services of the Bank for Entrepreneurs are only available for clients meeting specific eligibility criteria. In Europe, Middle East and Africa as well as in Asia Pacific this material is considered marketing material, but this is not the case in the U.S. No assurance can be given that any forecast or target can be achieved. Forecasts are based on assumptions, estimates, opinions and hypothetical models which may prove to be incorrect. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Performance refers to a nominal value based on price gains/losses and does not take into account inflation. Inflation will have a negative impact on the purchasing power of this nominal monetary value. Depending on the current level of inflation, this may lead to a real loss in value, even if the nominal performance of the investment is positive. Investments come with risk. The value of an investment can fall as well as rise and you might not get back the amount originally invested at any point in time. Your capital may be at risk.

Change of name: As part of Deutsche Bank’s Private Bank, the former International Private Bank also adopted this title on July 20, 2023.

The content and materials on this website may be considered Marketing Material. The market price of an investment can fall as well as rise and you might not get back the amount originally invested.  The products, services, information and/or materials contained within these web pages may not be available for residents of certain jurisdictions. Please consider the sales restrictions relating to the products or services in question for further information. Deutsche Bank does not give tax or legal advice; prospective investors should seek advice from their own tax advisers and/or lawyers before entering into any investment.