db innovation summit 2023

Embracing disruption: the Deutsche Bank Global Innovation Summit 2023

In February 2023, Deutsche Bank’s Private Bank brought together Silicon Valley technology leaders with the next generation of investors to find solutions for the future.

Deutsche Bank’s Private Bank hosted 70 next-generation guests, giving them unprecedented access to some of the most influential leaders in Silicon Valley, the heart of global innovation. 


Over three super-charged days, leaders from companies including NVIDIA, Cisco, Google Cloud, Salesforce and Palo Alto Networks presented the potential of technologies including artificial intelligence and machine learning – developments that are already shaping the future. 


A visit to Stanford University also showcased breakthroughs in medicine, molecular biology, sustainability and immunology. 


Hailing from across the US, Asia, South America and Europe, our attendees enjoyed the opportunity to visit technology leaders with IPB Vice Chairman, Salman Mahdi, who leads the programme and has built multi-generational relationships with clients for over 20 years. 


“There is no better place in the world to come to than Silicon Valley to get this window into the future,” Mahdi said. 


Among the highlights of the summit was an exclusive tour of the Google campus, and Deutsche Bank Chief Innovation Officer Gil Perez also hosted a fireside chat with Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian.


Throughout the gathering, investors found inspiration and hope for solutions to improve the world. Some held concerns about wealth inequality, and others asked if innovation was happening fast enough to save the planet. But the vast majority saw technology as the solution to humanity’s greatest challenges and embraced its potential. 


“I hope people will use an opportunity like this to refocus on ten, twenty, fifty years down the line. What we do today will change the world tomorrow,” Mahdi said.


You can revisit some of the highlights of a fascinating few days in the videos below.

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Change of name: As part of Deutsche Bank’s Private Bank, the former International Private Bank also adopted this title on July 20, 2023.