In our new CIO Special, we analyse the economic outlook for Southeast Asia and the asset class implications especially with the regional border reopening.

  • Despite spillovers from Ukraine and China’s struggles with Omicron, we see supportive growth drivers for Southeast Asia, particularly from regional border reopening.
  • With the rising interest rate environment and high commodity prices, ASEAN’s financial and energy sectors could continue as key sectoral drivers.
  • Singapore has tightened monetary policy three times in the past six months; more central bank tightening is likely to follow in Southeast Asia.



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From a macro perspective, we think ASEAN economies will continue to see solid growth this year. Fixed investment in many markets proved quite resilient during the pandemic, compared with household spending. There are reasons to expect this to continue: foreign direct investment flows into several ASEAN economies, notably Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam, remain strong.



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Change of name: As part of Deutsche Bank’s Private Bank, the former International Private Bank also adopted this title on July 20, 2023.