ocean resilience fund

The Deutsche Bank Ocean Resilience Philanthropy Fund

Working with nature to build a more sustainable future for ocean ecosystems and coastal communities.

We face a triple planetary crisis: from climate change, loss of biodiversity and pollution. Supporting nature-based solutions through philanthropy can help to combat these threats and address the socio-economic challenges arising from the degradation of our ocean.    


The ocean is under severe threat from CO2 emissions, acidification, deoxygenation, and coral bleaching. This threat endangers not just the diverse ecosystems that the ocean supports but also the livelihoods of coastal communities that rely on this natural wealth.


Nature-based solutions can protect, sustain and restore ecosystems such as coral reefs, mangrove forests and coastal wetlands. Underpinned by biodiversity and implemented with the full engagement of local communities, they have a track record of cost-effectiveness and success in conserving or replenishing natural capital. However, investments in nature-based solutions have so far been limited by a lack of funding.


The Deutsche Bank Ocean Resilience Philanthropy Fund enables philanthropists to collaborate with expert scientists on projects that use nature-based solutions to restore and conserve the ocean. Philanthropy can provide much-needed capital for such initiatives by attracting and complementing funding from other sources. 


Deutsche Bank will recommend grants for specific projects, which are then reviewed by an advisory council of expert scientists and Deutsche Bank personnel. The Council will then select the grant recipients and monitor the subsequent impact of any grants approved.


The Fund is open to donations from philanthropists globally, providing donors with a dedicated framework to facilitate donations in support of ocean conservation. It is a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) and will be administered in the UK by the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF). 

About Deutsche Bank Wealth Management 

Deutsche Bank Wealth Management serves as a trusted partner to wealthy individuals, family offices and select institutions. With practices in the Americas, Europe and Emerging Markets, we are one of the largest wealth managers globally. As a full-service wealth management firm, we offer our clients a comprehensive suite of private banking solutions, including access to the broader financial offering of Deutsche Bank.


Jacqueline Valouch is the Head of Philanthropy at Deutsche Bank Wealth Management. With over 20 years of experience in charitable planning, Jacqueline leads global philanthropy efforts, working closely with our clients and their advisors on strategic philanthropy initiatives. Her expertise covers initial formation of philanthropic vehicles to next generation engagement, as well as impact and long-term legacy planning. 


Find out more about the fund and how to become a donor


For more information about the fund and its projects, or how to make a donation as part of tailored philanthropic plan, please contact:


Jacqueline Valouch

Head of Wealth Planning & Philanthropy
Deutsche Bank Wealth Management



To find out more about the Charities Aid Foundation, or to make a donation directly, please visit: 


Ocean Resilience Philanthropy Fund|CAF (cafonline.org)



Philanthropy Deutsche Bank
  • Donate

  • Donors make charitable contributions to the Fund
Donate Deutsche Bank
  • Grant

  • The Council sources, reviews and selects grant recipients
ESG Deutsche Bank
  • Impact

  • Deutsche Bank and the Council review progress in regular reports

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